

I think their existence is completely underrated, aside of being able to grab, hold, and touch objects surrounding you. All those intricate lines and different receptor made it possible to distinguish a lot of things. Temperature, texture, solidity, shape, and other various aspects.

What people has forgotten, is that hands kill. It’s easy to see people finding comfort behind a trigger, a sharp thing, or even a gizmo with letters on it screens. Cruel and unimaginable ones would come out and take lives, just like that.

For me, I love to use them to heal other people, with the art of physical touch. Whether it’s only my fingertips slightly meeting the back of my dad’s hands, or hugging my best friend whenever I come back to my hometown, or maybe caressing my little niece’s hair whilst she is falling asleep; I can feel them tingling as love comes out of the edges of my hands.
